You have the right to be assisted by a defence lawyer at any stage of your case, and Adalat will help you through your case from start to finish. Unfortunately, however, you do not have the right to claim that the assistance is paid by the public in all cases where you are charged or your case goes to court.
If you are charged or prosecuted in a criminal case, you may in many cases be entitled to a publicly appointed lawyer.
During the investigation phase, it will be considered on a case-by-case basis whether one has the right to a defender appointed by the public. Adalat will always assess whether you are entitled to a publicly appointed defender during the investigation, and apply to be appointed where there is a basis for it. You are always entitled to a publicly appointed defender if you are sitting on a holding cell for over 24 hours or it is clear to the police that you will be sitting longer than 24 hours. You are also always entitled to a defence lawyer if you are placed in custody. If you are placed in police custody, Adalat will always provide assistance to the arrested person.
When the case comes to court, you will mainly be entitled to a defence lawyer if you deny being guilty of the charges brought against you. However, this does not apply if the case comes up to court because you refused to make a fine, if you have denied criminal guilt after receiving a so-called waiver of prosecution or the case only involves confiscation. This also does not apply in traffic cases involving intoxication or driving without a driver’s license.
If you have admitted a criminal charge, the case goes as a so-called confession case and the police want to give you more than six months imprisonment, you are entitled to a defender during the trial. The same applies mainly if you have broken the terms of a conditional sentence, probation or community service penalty and the police want to give you a prison sentence of more than six months. If the police in such a situation want to give you less than six months in prison, you do not automatically have a right to a publicly appointed defense lawyer. However, you may still be entitled to a defense in special cases upon application. Adalat will always assess whether you have a defend lawyer claim and apply for it where there is a basis for it.
Defence lawyer entitlement are also in a number of other cases, such as when a restraining order is imposed on your own home, when one has been banned from visitation because one is charged with mistreatment in close relationships or the charge applies to children under the age of 18 and you want to ask for a supplemental interrogation of the children. If you were under the age of 18 at the time of the crime, you should always have a defence lawyer if the police will give you a prison sentence, a youth sentence or a community sentence.